A State Full of Mentorship: A Recap of the Capitol Mentoring Fair!

Guest Blogger: Miss Douglas County

September not only brought the start of school and cooler days, but also the recommencing of many local mentoring programs! 

One of the amazing things about Nebraska is the partnership our state has formed with so many mentoring organizations. On September 4th, MENTOR Nebraska and five other organizations took part in the State Capitol Mentoring Fair. Each group was able to table and recruit mentors in the Capitol Rotunda! What I personally loved about this day, was that it painted the perfect picture of what MENTOR Nebraska strives to accomplish every single day - connect mentors and mentees to the mentorship program that is the BEST match for them!  

Just like no two people are the same, neither are the mentoring organizations or opportunities that Nebraska has to offer! What might be right for one person may not be right for another, and that is what I loved learning about most during the mentoring fair. I had the opportunity to pop around to each group and do some tiny mic interviews with team members. It was enlightening to learn more about each organization, as well as the individuals that run them and why they are so passionate about their work! For many, this work starts from their own personal, positive mentorship story. One organization serves incarcerated youth and one of the volunteers I talked to was one of those youth. She was so impacted by the mentor she had, that she turned around and is giving back twofold to the same community. How powerful is that?! 

From being inspired by the work of nonprofits, and the important role they play in communities, to the ability to mentor adults that may be going through tough situations, and just need a guiding hand. Each individual had a unique story for why they served with the organization they did! It was special to highlight each group’s niche and spread their love for how they serve their respective communities here in Nebraska. 

For all of the differences each group had, there was a thread that connected them all - their desire to ensure that everyone has access to positive mentorship. According to a recent study facilitated by MENTOR, 85% of young people with a mentor say this key relationship helped them with issues related to school and their education. Whether that be through school-based, community-based, or peer to peer mentorship, these relationships are pivotal! 

It’s never too late to serve your community as a MENTOR! Not sure where to start or how to get involved? Check out the Mentoring Connector! https://www.mentoring.org/what-we-do/mentoring-connector/ 

I hope these insights leave you inspired to discover how your story can serve your communities! 

See you all next Month! 

With Love, 

Raechel, Miss Nebraska 2024 

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