Join us this January in amplifying mentoring throughout Nebraska! National Mentoring Month is a time to focus attention on the importance of mentors, and to reflect on how each of us — individuals, businesses, government agencies, schools, and nonprofits — can help grow the mentoring movement and the positive effects it has on young people.

Become a mentor – Search for a mentoring program near you here.
Advocate for mentoring – Raise your voice, share your knowledge, and affect positive change by asking your representatives, community leaders, and schools to prioritize mentoring relationships for young people. Take two minutes to write to your state representatives here.
Recruit mentors – Partner with a local mentoring program to host a virtual mentor recruitment event at your company. MENTOR Nebraska can help connect you with programs in your area! Send your inquiry to to get started.
Post on social media – Share your favorite memories, videos, and pictures on social media using hashtags #MentoringAmplifies and #MentoringMonth. Check out this toolkit with graphics and messaging you can use throughout the month.
Write a letter to the editor - Share your mentoring experience by submitting an op-ed to your local newspaper.
Attend the National Mentoring Summit - Join youth-serving professionals, researchers, philanthropic investors, youth leaders, government and civic leaders, and the MENTOR network for the 13th annual National Mentoring Summit on January 25-27. Learn more and register here.
January 11 – I Am a Mentor Day
A day for volunteer mentors to celebrate their role and reflect on the ways mentees have enhanced their world.
January 16 – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
A day to share in the inspirational words of Dr. MLK, Jr. and elevate the spirit of service through volunteerism.
January 17 – International Mentoring Day
In honor of Muhammad Ali’s birthday, join the international conversation on social media where photos, videos and messages of powerful mentoring stories are shared. Use #MentoringDay & #MentoringMonth in your posts!
January 26 – #ThankYourMentor Day
A day to show gratitude and recognize the people making positive impacts.
January 25-27 – National Mentoring Summit & Capitol Hill Day
Join MENTOR Nebraska in Washington D.C. for the 13th annual National Mentoring Summit. We'll be coordinating a meetup for Nebraska folks who attend! Learn more and register here.
Throughout National Mentoring Month, mentoring programs across Nebraska will be recruiting mentors. Follow MENTOR Nebraska on social media as we highlight mentoring programs and matches across Nebraska and share mentoring news, events, and giveaways all month long!
January 17 - Big Pals Little Pals of Greater Columbus is hosting an open house to celebrate their new office space.
January 19 - Community Connections is hosting a “Phone a Friend” mentor recruitment event in North Platte.
January 20 - Nebraska Ivy Foundation is hosting a "Create Your Own Future" lunch and learn at Omaha North High School.
January 27 - TeamMates Mentoring of Omaha Public Schools is partnering with UNO’s Dept. of Civic Engagement to recruit students and staff as mentors.
January 25-27 - MENTOR Nebraska and fellow Nebraskans will be in Washington D.C. for the National Mentoring Summit and Capitol Hill Day. Learn more and register here.
January 28 - Partnership 4 Kids and TeamMates are collaborating to host a "Mentor & Muffins" mentor recruitment event at Scooter's in Omaha (2928 Ames Ave) from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.