
2012 Mentoring Conference Break-Out Recap

Miss a break-out session? Don't sweat it! We've got speaker bios and presentation materials galore:   Which youth is mentoring best for? – Led by Dr. Jean Rhodes Talking it Through, Education Skills for Mentors – Led by Education Northwest The Human Resources Side of Working With Youth – Led by One Source & Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands A Thriving…
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The Test of Time in School-Based Mentoring: The Role of Relationship Duration and Re-Matching on Academic Outcomes

The influence of match length and re-matching on the effectiveness of school-based mentoring was studied in the context of a national, randomized study of 1,139 youth in Big Brothers Big Sisters programs. The sample included youth in grades four through nine from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. At the end of the year, youth in intact relationships showed significant academic improvement, while…
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Mentoring Relationships and Programs for Youth

Mentoring is one of the most popular social interventions in American society, with an estimated three million youth in formal one-to-one relationships. Studies have revealed significant associations between youth involvement in mentoring relationships and positive developmental outcomes. These associations are modest, however, and depend on several intervening processes. Centrally important is the formation of close, enduring connections between mentors and youth that foster…
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Making A Difference: An Impact Study of Big Brothers Big Sisters

The past decade has seen widespread enthusiasm for mentoring as a way to address the needs and problems of youth—butno firm evidence that mentoring programs produce results. We now have that evidence. In this report, Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) provides scientifically reliable evidence that mentoring programs can positively affect young people. This evidence derives from research conducted at local affiliates…
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